The heart is one of the most vital organs of the body. It is the central component of the circulation system. The blood that the heart pumps through the body carries oxygen and nutrients to the other organs while carrying away carbon dioxide and waste.

Today we’ll take some time to explain how impaired sleep can have a negative impact on our heart health.

First, we’ll examine some studies that indicate a correlation between impaired sleep and heart health. A 2013 study in India by Monika Sharma and colleagues showed those who slept less than 6 hours per night were three times more likely to develop coronary heart disease. Furthermore, the Whitehall II study in England showed a major increase in the risk of heart disease, angina and heart attacks for those who slept less than six hour per night. Also, a study in 2018 by The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine showed a correlation between less than six hours per sleep and night and heart disease as well.

Pain in Heart concept. Ghost light effect, x-ray hologram. 3D rendering on dark blue background

Next, we’ll examine the scientific reasonings as to why inadequate sleep impacts heart health.

Inadequate sleep affects our ability to to regulate appetite. This can lead to obesity which can impact our heat health. Also, during slow wave sleep, our blood pressure drops. This variation in blood pressure conditions our heart. So those who lack slow wave sleep will end up with a less conditioned heart. Lastly, inadequate sleep hinders the body’s ability to respond to inflammation. This can lead to the buildup of arterial plaque which can cause heart attacks and strokes.

To learn more about the Science of Sleep, come visit one of our Certified Sleep Science Coaches at our mattress store in Georgetown TX.